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maandag 8 juni 2009

Volksopstand tegen DSB Bank breekt nu echt los

Gedupeerden van DSB Bank kamen gisteren voor het eerst bijeen. ‘We willen die bank gewoon onderuit schoppen.’

Dat wordt nog oppassen voor Dirk Scheringa. Bij voetbalclub AZ mag hij dan veel fans hebben, elders in het land is het respect voor de eigenaar en directeur van DSB Bank enigszins tanende. ‘We weten wel waar ie woont’, roept iemand uit het publiek, die geld wil zien van Scheringa. ‘We gaan het gewoon wel halen.’ Iemand anders stelt voor: ‘Laten we allemaal stoppen met betalen, dan zullen we zien wat er gebeurt met die bank.’

Lees verder bij De Pers

vrijdag 5 juni 2009

Chavez ontsnapt aan aanslag door CIA

The Venezuelan president said on state television that he had eluded an assassination attempt in El Salvador where he was due to attend the swearing in of its new leader, a Left-wing ally.

"I am not accusing Obama. I think the American president has good intentions," Mr Chavez said. "But over and above Obama, there is the CIA, and all of its tentacles. I have no doubt US intelligence services are behind this."

The plot was revealed by Mr Chavez's friend and ally, the Sandinista revolutionary President Daniel Ortega of Nicaragua.

El Salvador's security minister, Manuel Melgar, said that were "strange movements" and that the visit of the Venezuelan president could not be given "full security".

According to Mr Chavez, the Cuban plane that he and President Evo Morales of Bolivia were to travel on was going to be shot down by a rocket as it approached San Salvador airport.

Behind the plot, according to the Mr Chavez, was former CIA operative, Luis Posada Carriles, who is currently under house arrest in Florida, but wanted in Venezuela for the downing of a Cuban airliner in 1976 in which 74 people were killed.

Volledig artikel bij Daily Telegraph

donderdag 4 juni 2009

Auschwitz survivor: "I can identify with Palestinian youth"

In the past, the European media have written extensively about extreme right-wing politicians like Joerg Haider in Austria and Jean-Marie Le Pen in France. But when Ariel Sharon was elected [prime minister] in Israel in 2001, the media remained silent. But in the 1980s I understood the deeply fascist thinking of these politicians. With the book I wanted to distance myself from this. I was raised in Judaism with the equality of relationships among human beings as a core value. I only learned about nationalist Judaism when I heard settlers defend their harassment of Palestinians in interviews. When a publisher asked me to write about my past, I decided to write this book, in a way, to deal with my past. People of one group who dehumanize people who belong to another group can do this, because they either have learned to do so from their parents, or they have been brainwashed by their political leaders. This has happened for decades in Israel in that they manipulate the Holocaust for their political aims. In the long-run the country is destructing itself this way by inducing their Jewish citizens to become paranoid. In 2005 [then Prime Minister Ariel] Sharon illustrated this by saying in the Knesset [the Israeli parliament], we know we cannot trust anyone, we only can trust ourselves. This is the shortest possible definition of somebody who suffers from clinical paranoia. One of the major annoyances in my life is that Israel by means of trickery calls itself a Jewish state, while in fact it is Zionist. It wants the maximum territory with a minimum number of Palestinians. I have four Jewish grandparents. I am an atheist. I share the Jewish socio-cultural inheritance and I have learned about Jewish ethics. I don't wish to be represented by a Zionist state. They have no idea about the Holocaust. They use the Holocaust to implant paranoia in their children.

Auschwitz-overlevende Hayo Meyer in gesprek met Electronic Intifada