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woensdag 31 oktober 2007

Militaire sonar VS doodt groep dolfijnen bij Iran

It's not that mysterious really and I don't think it has a thing to do with fishing. Just type military sonar dead dolphins into google or whatever and you'll understand what the real issue is. Likely America planning its war.
+1 diggs by Rabbit63 2 hours ago
It is the massive amount of US Naval shipping and it's sonar which is to blame. How could anyone be in doubt? Dolphins are acutely sensitive to Sonar and use it to locate and catch their prey. They are being stressed, made helpless and unable to effectively feed themselves. They know they are blinded and in trouble, and it is deeply abhorrant in the eyes of all sentience that knowing this we still persist in this brutality. What a worthless and unworthy species we are become.

What is this latest American War really, short of a War on all Life?

Democratic Underground

NAVO en US Navy gebruiken het schadelijke LFA Surtass sonar systeem.

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