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dinsdag 18 november 2008

Hoe de CIA Osama Bin Laden creëerde

Waarom lees je dit soort stukken, zoals in dit geval bij het Australische Green Left, niet bij de Nederlandse linkse politieke partijen, vraag ik me af?

Bin Laden has simply continued to do the job he was asked to do in Afghanistan during the 1980s — fund, feed and train mercenaries. All that has changed is his primary customer. Then it was the ISI and, behind the scenes, the CIA. Today, his services are utilised primarily by the reactionary Taliban regime.

Bin Laden only became a “terrorist” in US eyes when he fell out with the Saudi royal family over its decision to allow more than 540,000 US troops to be stationed on Saudi soil following Iraq's invasion of Kuwait.

Lees de cover story van Norm Dixon in zijn geheel bij Green Left.

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