TEHRAN (AFP) - Iran's chief prosecutor said bombers who caused a deadly blast at a mosque in Shiraz had confessed of links to Israel and the United States, the ISNA student news agency reported on Friday.
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TEHRAN (AFP) - Iran's chief prosecutor said bombers who caused a deadly blast at a mosque in Shiraz had confessed of links to Israel and the United States, the ISNA student news agency reported on Friday.
"Nederland zal niet accepteren dat Israël volgend jaar tijdens een VN-conferentie racistisch wordt genoemd. Dat heeft minister Verhagen van Buitenlandse Zaken gezegd op bijeenkomst van het Centrum Informatie Documentatie Israël (CIDI) ter gelegenheid van het 60-jarig bestaan van de joodse staat."
Ook vinden ze dat bezoekers van internetcafé's en belhuizen zich verplicht moeten gaan identificeren. Ook bepleiten ze dat de anonieme verkoop van prepaidkaarten in belwinkels moeten worden stopgezet. Webwereld
Dit vanwege Nigeriaanse internetfraudeurs...Yeah right! De comments onder het artikel zijn interessant. En hoopgevend, voor wat betreft bewustwording.
The “evidence” that Syria was building a nuclear reactor was a video that mixed still photos, drawings, and a dramatic voice-over that the New York Times (NYT) said gave it the “feel of a cold-war era newsreel about the Korean War.”
The Science and Technology of Combating Terrorism
This Panel will catalogue the numerous potential weapons of terrorists
and, for each threat, identify technologies or promising fields of
research that could yield technologies to address these threats. The
technologies should help (1) detect potential threats in advance of their
implementation as well as assist in citizen preparedness; (2) detect and
contain an attack; and (3) mitigate the repercussions for the terrorist
action (such as the immediate grounding of all aircraft on September
"That sounds an awful lot like what our media describes as a terror attack, doesn't it? I suppose the label of terrorist is reserved for Muslims. I won't pretend to know the full significance of the term "settler" to an Israeli reader, but it seems very generous. "
In Egypte is veel onrust omdat de voedselprijzen ook al sterk stijgen. NOS