vrijdag 31 augustus 2007
Amerikaanse soldaten kregen bevel om burgers te executeren
Het bloedbad in Haditha twee jaar geleden, waarin 24 mensen werden gedood door Amerikaanse soldaten, volgde nadat de mariniers een man hadden verloren door een bermbom.
Bij het eerste huis kreeg corporaal Humberto Mendoza van zijn sergeant
het bevel de bewoners te executeren. Dit verklaart hij in een officiële getuigenverklaring. De mannelijke bewoner die de deur opendeed schoot hij meteen dood.
Mendoza verklaarde dat hij weigerde het bevel van sergeant Wuterich verder uit te voeren nadat hij in een kamer alleen maar vrouwen en kinderen aantrof. Toen hij later terugkwam zag hij dat de burgers gedood waren.
Full Dutch article by Audie
In English on Prisonplanet
Spanningen rond Kosovo: een overzicht
Full article on Johnito's blog
Servië uit dreigende taal over Kosovo
De Servische minister van buitenlandse zaken Vuk Jeremic die het dreigement in de mond nam weidde niet uit over de aard van de maatregelen, maar zei wel dat het land zich in ieder geval niet opnieuw in een internationaal isolement zal storten zoals ten tijde van het leiderschap van Slobodan Milosevic in de jaren '90.
Diplomaten uit de Verenigde Staten, de EU en Rusland proberen door te bemiddelen de impasse over de toekomstige status van Kosovo op te lossen. De Kosovaarse premier Agim Ceku herhaalde vrijdag zijn standpunt dat als de huidige overlegronde, die vrijdag in Wenen zijn tweede dag inging, geen oplossing oplevert, hij de onafhankelijkheid zou uitroepen.
Full story on Nu.nlKwart Nederlanders vreest gevolgen hypotheekcrisis
Full story on
Kaspersky mag Zango-adware blokkeren
Full story here
New World Order of gewoon kapitalisme?
Full Story on Zapruder
Daar komt de beurskrach
Full Story on Zapruder
Tick-Tock, Tick-Tock: Countdown to Midnight in Persia
This is what is coming. This is what the Bushists will be selling to us soon. (Glenn Greenwald has a useful roundup of the growing madness here.) One sees comments here and there to the effect that "the American people will never accept this," that "Bush can't get away with this kind of thing after Iraq," or that "this isn't 2002, with everyone still raw and dazed after 9/11," etc., etc. But such declarations are pipe-dreams, foolish hopes. As we have pointed out here many times, Bush and Cheney are not interested in obtaining the "consent of the governed" for their militarist agenda — nor do they need it.
Congress has already given its overwhelming approval to the specious reasons for war that Bush and his minions have advanced. The corporate media is doing its part again too; for example, the media's flagship, the New York Times, has been "stovepiping" warmongering spin straight from the White House and Pentagon onto its front pages — exactly as it did in the run-up to the Iraq invasion, and even using the same reporter, Michael Gordon, who with his co-writer Judith Miller was reponsible for the dissemination of so many useful lies. The same system that fed the engines of aggressive war in 2002-03 — reporter gets spin from Bushists, paper prints spin, Bushists then cite the report as "confirmation" of the lies they themselves concocted — is in operation now.
Full Story at Chris Floyd
donderdag 30 augustus 2007
Dispelling the 'Bin Laden' Options Trades
In aansluiting op het log getiteld:
Miljarden anoniem ingezet op mega-beurskrach
een link naar het volgende artikel:
Dispelling the 'Bin Laden' Options Trades
'There is also open interest of 61,741 on the September 1700 puts. "Since this is only 11 contracts different from the 700 calls, it is possible that these two positions are making up a very large strangle, which could be either a breakout or neutral strategy depending upon whether or not it is a short strangle or a long strangle," writes Frederick. "If this is a short position, it may be anticipating the market will drop if the Fed does not cut rates as many expect" at its Sept. 18 policy meeting.
But such a strangle trade, with each leg being so deep in the money, would require a nearly 50% price move, up or down, to turn a profit.
Frederick said the position leaves him more confused than scared, although he wouldn't dismiss the frightening conclusion bloggers have come to. "It is also interesting that the anniversary of 9/11 occurs between now and the expiration of these options," he writes. "Perhaps there is speculation that another attack is in the works." '
Wordt ongetwijfeld vervolgd
IAEA: Iranian Cooperation Significant
VIENNA, Austria (AP) -- The International Atomic Energy Agency on Thursday reported "significant" cooperation from Iran with its nuclear probe and noted that Tehran had slowed uranium enrichment - assessments that could hamper U.S. hopes for new U.N. sanctions.
Iran said the report proved it was the target of unfair U.S. attacks. But Washington and its allies said it did not change the need for more U.N. Security Council penalties.
The report said a recently agreed Iran-IAEA cooperation plan was a "significant step forward" but the U.S. played down suggestions of progress.Full story
Stop de Verichip
Lekker makkelijk bij het winkelen je hoeft de inhoud van je mandje niet eens meer op de band te zetten of op de caissière te wachten. Dus die caissière word binnenkort, bij het invoeren van de RFID-chip, ook overbodig. Ook maak ik uit de media op dat uw kinderen nogal eens zoek raken dus die geven we ook maar een chip, u hond of kat had er al één? Zo hoeft u als ouder niet eens meer op uw kind of huisdier te passen. Deze taak word dan overgenomen door de overheid. Die kunnen dan door middel van slimme zoekmachines als google heel snel uw kind weer terugvinden. Klinkt allemaal als een goede thriller, of niet? Alleen is dit geen fictie meer.
Lees verder op
Announcement Of 9/11 War Crimes Tribunal
Announcement Of 9/11 War Crimes Tribunal
International Lawyer Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd, who is a Judge on the Kuala Lumpur International War Crimes Tribunal, will make a public call for an International Citizen's 9/11 War Crimes Tribunal. He will speak at Ready for Mainstream, a 9/11 Anniversary Conference (Sept.8-9, 2007) at Cooper Union, 7th St and 4th Avenue, New York.
According to Independent Scientist Leuren Moret and Alfred Webre, 9/11 was a False Flag Operation to provide a pretext to engage in Genocidal & Ecocidal Depleted Uranium (DU) bombing of Central Asia (Afghanistan and Iraq) in order to secure vast oil and uranium reserves; to roll out a Terror-based National Security state-system world-wide; to implement the final stages of a world Depopulation policy; and to trigger a World War III conflagration.
Since 1945, under the Nuremberg Principles, causing aggressive war constitutes the most serious of War Crimes. The International Citizen’s 9/11 War Crimes Tribunal would be convened under the jurisdiction of the Kuala Lumpur International War Crimes Tribunal, established in February 2007 as a permanent citizen’s Tribunal by The Perdana Global Peace Organization, chaired by Tun Dr. Mahathir bin Mohamad, former Prime Minister of Malaysia, who is the first prominent world leader to take up the depleted uranium (DU) radiation issue as an instrumentality of the Depopulation policy.
As a matter of law, there is a sufficient quantum of evidence for the appointment of an independent prosecutor under Article III(3) of the U.S. Constitution to prosecute treason against President GW Bush; Vice President Richard B. Cheney; and the Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld for the armed attack upon the United States on September 11, 2001, in the guise of a False Flag Operation.
Michael Collins: 911 General Strike Gains Momentum

“No Work, No School, No Shopping – Hit the Streets”
The 911 General Strike called by a coalition of antiwar, 911 Truth, and pro impeachment groups is gaining strength with gatherings scheduled across the country and rapidly expanding activity on the Internet, where the idea originated.
Full story on Scoop.NZ
woensdag 29 augustus 2007
Zeitgeist The Movie
Van de creatie van georganiseerde religie tot de creatie van georganiseerde angst. Doel: een crisissituatie creëeren waarin we er uiteindelijk zelf om vragen om, voor onze eigen veiligheid, gechipt te worden, en daarmee de ultieme electronisch bestuurde slaven worden.
Interessant in de film zijn de verhandelingen over de Federal Reserve, de macht van de bankiers achter de schermen van de politiek, alsook de links tussen de neoconservatieven en de Bush-familie aan de ene kant, met de Bin Ladens en Adolf Hitler aan de andere kant.
(pikant is dan natuurlijk ook de kameraadschap van de neo-cons met de Israël-lobby, waar helaas geen aandacht aan wordt besteed in de film)
Vergeet alle bullshit over de war on terror. Deze film komt dicht bij de kern van het werkelijke probleem van deze wereld:
verslaving aan hebzucht en machtswellust, van juist diegenen die in materieel opzicht niets te kort komen, maar in menselijk opzicht des te meer...
Also posted on Johnito
Sarkozy affirms alliance to Israel
PARIS — French President Nicolas Sarkozy used his first major foreign-policy speech to signal a shift from his predecessor, Jacques Chirac, casting himself as a "friend of Israel" and taking a tougher line on Russia and China.
But despite his admiration for the United States, Mr. Sarkozy said Mr. Chirac was right to oppose the war in Iraq, which he called a mistake.
Full story on Washington Times
Cyberoorlog: Strippers censureren Internet
door Henk Ruyssenaars - Internet journalist
FPF - Amsterdam - 22 Augustus 2007 - Voor het 'neutraliseren' van critici in het buitenland hebben drie amerikaanse universiteiten - Cornell, de University of Pittsburgh en de University of Utah - in samenwerking met de CIA en Gestapo-chef Michael Chertoff 'n speciaal computerprogramma ontwikkeld om dissidenten te volgen, zoals de 'International Herald Tribune' schreef.*
De laatste paar maanden ben ik 3 (drie) verschillende blogs kwijtgeraakt, en heel veel artikelen waarin informatie werd gepubliceerd die blijkbaar niet in de globale propaganda-kraam past. De onafhankelijke Internet-informatie die wordt aangeboden moet weggecensureerd worden om te voorkomen dat de mensen zélf gaan denken i.p.v. zich te laten hersenspoelen. Uit alles bijkt dat het steeds erger wordt.
Full story on Henk RuyssenaarsBush raises the stakes over Iran bomb with warning of 'holocaust'
President Bush gave warning last night that Iran’s pursuit of the atomic bomb could lead to a nuclear holocaust in the Middle East, and promised to confront Tehran “before it is too late”.
Mr Bush’s remarks, the starkest warning that he has made about Iran’s nuclear ambitions, came hours after President Ahmadinejad of Iran said that a power vacuum was imminent in Iraq and that Tehran was ready to fill it.
Mr Bush also talked for the first time of “two strains” of Islamic radicalism causing chaos in Iraq and the region: not only Sunni jihadists, about whom he has spoken often, but also “Shia extremism, supported and embodied by Iran’s Government”.
The comments displayed a new aggression towards Tehran, a day after President Sarkozy of France raised the prospect of airstrikes on Iran if the crisis over its nuclear ambitions could not be solved through diplomacy.
Full story on Times Online
Israel Told US to Attack Iran, Not Iraq After 9/11
WASHINGTON, Aug 28 (IPS) - Israeli officials warned the George W. Bush administration that an invasion of Iraq would be destabilising to the region and urged the United States to instead target Iran as the primary enemy, according to former administration official Lawrence Wilkerson.
Wilkerson, then a member of the State Department's Policy Planning Staff and later chief of staff for Secretary of State Colin Powell, recalled in an interview with IPS that the Israelis reacted immediately to indications that the Bush administration was thinking of war against Iraq. After the Israeli government picked up the first signs of that intention, Wilkerson says, "The Israelis were telling us Iraq is not the enemy -- Iran is the enemy."
Full story on
Bush Wants $50 Billion More for Iraq War
President Bush plans to ask Congress next month for up to $50 billion in additional funding for the war in Iraq, a White House official said yesterday, a move that appears to reflect increasing administration confidence that it can fend off congressional calls for a rapid drawdown of U.S. forces.
The request -- which would come on top of about $460 billion in the fiscal 2008 defense budget and $147 billion in a pending supplemental bill to fund the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq -- is expected to be announced after congressional hearings scheduled for mid-September featuring the two top U.S. officials in Iraq. Army Gen. David H. Petraeus and Ambassador Ryan C. Crocker will assess the state of the war and the effect of the new strategy the U.S. military has pursued this year.
The request is being prepared now in the belief that Congress will be unlikely to balk so soon after hearing the two officials argue that there are promising developments in Iraq but that they need more time to solidify the progress they have made, a congressional aide said.
Most of the additional funding in a revised supplemental bill would pay for the current counteroffensive in Iraq, which has expanded the U.S. force there by about 28,000 troops, to about 160,000. The cost of the buildup was not included in the proposed 2008 budget because Pentagon officials said they did not know how long the troop increase would last. The decision to seek about $50 billion more appears to reflect the view in the administration that the counteroffensive will last into the spring of 2008 and will not be shortened by Congress.
Full story on Washington PostWar With Iran- It's already started
We've been running reports from insiders saying that the Cheney faction is pushing for an attack, that Bush is quite amenable but is biding his time, and that an assault on Tehran is imminent. Now the president has come out openly with his warlike intentions. In a speech delivered Tuesday, he reiterated recent charges by Washington that Iran is arming and training Iraqi Shi'ite groups who are launching attacks on American forces in Iraq, and he announced: "I have authorized our military commanders in Iraq to confront Tehran's murderous activities."
Translation: The bombing begins shortly.
Full story on
Ook Nederlands protest tegen arrestatie Sison
Nederlandse sympathisanten van de dinsdag gearresteerde Filippijnse communistenleider Jose Maria Sison protesteren donderdag op de Dam in Amsterdam. Vrijdag voeren zij actie bij de rechtbank in Den Haag, waar wordt besloten of Sison wordt aangeklaagd. Dat zegt Ruth de Leon, woordvoerder van het Committee to Defend Democratic Rights, dat zich inzet voor de communistenleider.
Sison werd dinsdag in zijn woonplaats Utrecht aangehouden voor het beramen van moorden op voormalige medestrijders in de Filippijnen. Hij wordt hiervoor in Nederland berecht.
Het Openbaar Ministerie laat weten dat het onderzoek naar Sison doorgaat, ongeacht of diens voorarrest wordt verlengd. Justitie wilde niet ingaan op de aard van het bewijs tegen de Filippijn. Wel zei een woordvoerder dat dit uit zowel Nederland als de Filippijnen komt. Een team onderzoekers heeft getuigen gehoord op de eilandengroep. Sisons advocaat Jan Fermon zei woensdag dat hij niet weet welk bewijs de aanklagers vrijdag presenteren.Full story on De Pers
Omstreden VN-conferentie in Brussel gaat door
Ondanks protesten van europarlementariërs en Israël begint donderdag in Brussel een VN-conferentie over de rechten van Palestijnen. Het officiële onderwerp van de conferentie is het bereiken van vrede tussen de Palestijnen en Israël.
Israël ziet de organiserende VN-commissie als uitvloeisel van de resolutie uit 1975 van de Algemene Vergadering die zionisme gelijkstelde aan racisme. De resolutie werd in 1991 ingetrokken.Full story on De Pers
Palestijnse kinderen gedood bij tankbeschieting
Full article on De Pers
VS noemen arrestatie Iraniërs een fout
Full article on AD
Hoe de neoliberalen de welvaart van naties zichzelf toebedeelden
More on Zaplog
Amerikaanse militairen arresteren weer Iraanse delegatie in Bagdad
De Iraanse diplomaten waren naar Bagdad gereisd om een akkoord te ondertekenen met hun Iraakse collega's. Ze werden echter gearresteerd in het Sheraton-hotel en met vier wagens naar een onbekende bestemming gebracht.
Full story on HLN
dinsdag 28 augustus 2007
U.S. troops reportedly detain Iranians
The Iranian Embassy did not confirm the report. But it said seven Iranians — an embassy employee and six members of a delegation from Iran's Electricity Ministry — were staying at the Sheraton Ishtar Hotel, which was the one raided by U.S. soldiers.
The strains have many people in the region worried about the possibility of fighting between the U.S. and Iran.
But while making his latest defense of Iran's nuclear program earlier Tuesday, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad dismissed the possibility of any U.S. military action against Iran, saying Washington has no plan and is not in a position to take such action.
Full story on Yahoo NewsNeo-Cons: Make Bush Dictator Of The World
Maniacal right-wing Family Security Matters organization, which has ties to Cheney, Rumsfeld and Perle, carries screed that calls for Bush to declare martial law, become emperor of the planet, lifetime president, and ethnically cleanse Iraq by means of nuclear genocide
If you thought Stu Bykovsky's call for a new 9/11 was the lowest the Neo-Cons could sink, think again. A right-wing foundation with links to Dick Cheney has called for Bush to be made lifetime president, ruler of the world, and for Iraq to be ethnically cleansed of Arabs by means of a nuclear holocaust.
Full story on Prisonplanet
Iran 'resolves' plutonium issue
The claim was made in a text outlining a timetable for co-operation with the International Atomic Energy Agency, which was agreed at talks last week.
Cindy Sheehan waarschuwt voor false flag aanslag en politiestaat
"I definitely think that is a distinct possibility, that there will be some kind of attack whether it's manufactured or real....I think it's really possible that these people will do that - why would he [Bush] put in that presidential directive if he didn't need to use it - I think it's really really frightening," Sheehan told The Alex Jones Show.
"Does anybody think that [Bush's] recent presidential decision directive wasn't for declaring martial law and suspending elections - that's why they have to be stopped," added Sheehan.
Full article on Johnito
'We Are Going to Get Hit Again'
In an interview at his headquarters near Washington, D.C., Redd told Newsweek’s Mark Hosenball and Jeffrey Bartholet that the country is better prepared than ever to counter such threats. But he also believes another successful terror attack on the U.S. homeland is inevitable.
Full story on Newsweek
Het loslaten van de dollar als WMD
Nu het steeds duidelijker wordt dat buurland Iran niet van plan is haar atoomprogramma geheim te houden voor het Internationaal Atoom Agentschap (IAEA), zie je dan ook dat de laatste maanden geruchten de wereld worden geholpen over Iraanse wapenleveranties aan het Iraakse verzet (het verzet dat tegenwoordig voor het gemak óók maar "Al Qaeda" genoemd wordt, een terreurorganisatie met een dooie als pr-chef; zie zijn laatste film, en de productiemaatschappij erachter), en het stoken van fikkies in Glasgow en Londen.
Ondertussen speculeren Michael Chertoff en Rick Santorum op komende nieuwe zware aanslagen door "Al Qaeda", terwijl de Israëlische minister Avigdor Lieberman trots verklaart dat de VS en Europa een Israëlische aanval op Iran zullen steunen.
Full article on Johnito
Miljarden anoniem ingezet op mega-beurskrach
Herinneringen aan de verdachte aandelenhandel aan de vooravond van 9/11 komen naar boven, waardoor de mogelijkheid van een nieuwe false-flagaanslag bij velen in beeld komt.
Full article on Johnito
Study: US preparing 'massive' military attack against Iran
The United States has the capacity for and may be prepared to launch without warning a massive assault on Iranian uranium enrichment facilities, as well as government buildings and infrastructure, using long-range bombers and missiles, according to a new analysis.
The paper, "Considering a war with Iran: A discussion paper on WMD in the Middle East" – written by well-respected British scholar and arms expert Dr. Dan Plesch, Director of the Centre for International Studies and Diplomacy of the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) at the University of London, and Martin Butcher, a former Director of the British American Security Information Council (BASIC) and former adviser to the Foreign Affairs Committee of the European Parliament – was exclusively provided to RAW STORY late Friday under embargo.
Full article on Raw Story