zaterdag 30 augustus 2008
It's time to leave New Orleans
Waarbij je je kunt afvragen voor wie de inwoners het meest bang moeten zijn. Gustav? Of Blackwater?
zaterdag 23 augustus 2008
Two Powerful Forces Should Have Made WTC 7 Tip Over
"Therefore, high school physics shows that - if column 79 had collapsed and explosives did not take out all of the other support columns at once - building 7 should have tipped towards one side."
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NIST Discovers Fire
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vrijdag 22 augustus 2008
Free Gaza
Live streams from the boats
PR Push for Iraq War Preceded Intelligence Findings
"White Paper" Drafted before NIE even Requested
National Security Archive Electronic Briefing Book No. 254
Posted - August 22, 2008 For more information contact: Washington D.C., August 22, 2008 - The U.S. intelligence community buckled sooner in 2002 than previously reported to Bush administration pressure for data justifying an invasion of Iraq, according to a documents posting on the Web today by National Security Archive senior fellow John Prados. The documents suggest that the public relations push for war came before the intelligence analysis, which then conformed to public positions taken by Pentagon and White House officials. For example, a July 2002 draft of the "White Paper" ultimately issued by the CIA in October 2002 actually pre-dated the National Intelligence Estimate that the paper purportedly summarized, but which Congress did not insist on until September 2002. A similar comparison between a declassified draft and the final version of the British government's "White Paper" on Iraq weapons of mass destruction adds to evidence that the two nations colluded in the effort to build public support for the invasion of Iraq. Dr. Prados concludes that the new evidence tends to support charges raised by former White House press secretary Scott McClellan and by the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence in its long-delayed June 2008 "Phase II" report on politicization of intelligence. Read more at URUKNET |
The problem, at least from the government’s point of view, is that the NIST report, far from debunking the so-called ‘conspiracy theorists’ alternative explanations for the events of 9/11, have actually strengthened peoples view about the government lying about the events of 9/11 and, in the process, by bringing it all out into the mainstream media as they have, will now gain more converts to the idea that the governments version of events is a cover-up.
vr 22/08/08 - De Belgsiche vrouwenploeg is tweede geworden in de 4x100m finale. Het is meteen de eerste Belgische medaille.
SporzaEven los van alle perikelen qua mensenrechten in China: Het is onze zuiderburen, Kim Gevaert en haar ploeg van harte gegund. België kan wel een opsteker gebruiken.
Debunking NIST's Conclusions about WTC 7: Easy as shooting fish in a barrel
Read more at George Washington's blog
donderdag 21 augustus 2008
Pakistan: 100 die in Taliban suicide bombings
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In addition, no blast sounds were heard on the audio tracks of video recordings during the collapse of WTC 7 or reported by witnesses.
woensdag 20 augustus 2008
In the U.S., Andrew Fernandez, chief computer scientist with Cryptonym, of Morrisville, N.C., found Microsoft developers had failed to remove debugging symbols used to test his software before they released it.
Inside the code Fernandez found labels for two keys, dubbed “KEY” and NSAKEY”. Fernandez, though, termed it NSA’s “back door” into the world’s most widely used operation system. He said this makes it “orders of magnitude easier for the US government to access your computer.” Microsoft called the report “completely false.”
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See also/zie ook:
NSA backdoor in Windows Vista?
Foster Parents psychiaters hebben banden met de farmaceutische industrie
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Pijnacker woedend op korpschef
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Does EPA know pesticides are killing honeybees?
Honeybees are extremely valuable, tireless little workers. According to USDA, they pollinate about one-third of all of the food we eat and pollination is responsible for $15 billion in added crop value.
During the winter of 2006-2007, some beekeepers began to report unusually high losses of 30-90 percent of their hives. This phenomenon has been called Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD) because of its sudden onset.
What’s causing CCD? Theories range from cell phones to Israeli acute paralysis virus (IAPV) and everything in between. But ask any beekeeper (I’ve talked with several) and they’ll point to what they say is the main culprit - pesticides.
Na de War on Drugs, de War on Terror, nu ook de War on the Light Brown Apple Moth
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dinsdag 19 augustus 2008
Petition: End NATO now!
It is with growing concern that we observe that the U.S. government is threatening new military moves that carry the danger of another war-this time against Russia.
The Bush regime and the corporate U.S. news media have launched an anti-Russia hate campaign. Yet just as with the occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan and the threats on Iran, the threatened military confrontation with Russia is also based on a lie.
The truth, hidden by most of the corporate news media, is that Georgia's President Mikheil Saakashvili, unleashed his U.S.- and Israeli-armed and-trained forces on the tiny autonomous region of South Ossetia, murdering civilians and attacking Russian peacekeeping troops stationed there. Only then did Russian troops respond.
Saakashvili is the president who sent 2,000 Georgian youth to join the U.S.-led occupation of Iraq. The U.S. supplies the weapons to his army. U.S. Special Forces and Israeli advisers and mercenary contractors direct the Georgian military, which just held three weeks of joint exercises with the U.S. Army and Marine Corps in July. We must take note that like Iraq and Iran, Georgia itself is a prize for U.S. oil companies, as it is a major transit point for Central Asian oil.
There is little doubt that U.S. arming of Georgia and its push to get Georgia into NATO set the scene for the Georgian invasion of South Ossetia and created the threat of a new major war. Now Washington also threatens Russia by placing missile bases in Poland and the Czech Republic against the wishes of the overwhelming majority of the people there. Surrounding Russia with this military alliance of new NATO members is the greatest danger to peace and stability on a global scale.
It is time to remember that NATO was established as an anti-USSR military alliance aimed at reinforcing capitalist control and preventing socialist revolutions in the colonialist powers of Europe weakened by World War II. Since the end of the Soviet Union and the dissolution of the Warsaw Pact, the U.S. has attempted to vastly expand NATO and turn it into a military instrument to consolidate U.S. corporate power, surround Russia and China and re-conquer the former colonial world.
Consider these examples:
Yugoslavia. Based on the lie that NATO was defending small nations, U.S.-NATO intervention and bombing destroyed multinational Yugoslavia and turned the Balkans into a collection of dependent ministates ruled by the U.S. and Western Europe powers.
Afghanistan. Based on the lie that this was a police action against terrorists, U.S.-NATO have carried out a seven-year occupation leaving the country in ruins and enslaved.
Iraq. Here the lie about weapons of mass destruction was so blatant, and the U.S. position so weak, that most NATO countries refused to join the occupation and utter destruction of Iraq.
No one can believe Bush is promoting peace in Georgia. It is time not only to stop this expansion but to end the NATO war machine completely by dissolving NATO.
It is encouraging to anti-war people worldwide that Georgians themselves have issued a statement condemning the Saakashvili machine. "The entire responsibility for this fratricidal war," the Georgian Peace Committee says, "for thousands of children, women and elderly dead people, for the inhabitants of South Ossetia and of Georgia falls exclusively on the current president, on the Parliament and on the government of Georgia." (Aug. 11)
We cannot do less than the people of Georgia who oppose the current president and want no part of NATO. We demand from Washington:
(1) Stop interfering in Georgia and the Caucasus
(2) Stop attempting to expand the NATO military organization into the countries of Eastern Europe and those that border on Russia.
(3) End the aggressive NATO military alliance
(4) No new wars!
Pre-emptive nuclear strike a key option, Nato told
The west must be ready to resort to a pre-emptive nuclear attack to try to
halt the "imminent" spread of nuclear and other weapons of mass
destruction, according to a radical manifesto for a new Nato by five of the
west's most senior military officers and strategists.
Calling for root-and-branch reform of Nato and a new pact drawing the US,
Nato and the European Union together in a "grand strategy" to tackle the
challenges of an increasingly brutal world, the former armed forces chiefs
from the US, Britain, Germany, France and the Netherlands insist that a
"first strike" nuclear option remains an "indispensable instrument" since
there is "simply no realistic prospect of a nuclear-free world".
-Navo wil als eerste atoomwapens gebruiken
-De Kaukasus-oorlog en de propaganda-oorlog
-Zuid-Ossetië updates
So obvious abroad, so obscure in the USA... blind support for Israel is destroying America
I am about to question America's blind support for Israel. I am not anti-Jewish. I feel compelled to start this article with that disclaimer in fear of being called an anti-Semite. Oh my God what could be worse? You hate Jews! That's it! Blah blah blah blah. Try reading THIS (CLICK) or this (CLICK) fine article about the anti-Americanism of the Israeli-firsters. The articles spell it out nicely - the only difficulty is getting Americans to see through the propaganda smokescreen they live in. Here (CLICK) is what happens to reporters, like Helen Thomas, in the US with the temerity to challenge pro-Israel-no-matter-what policy.
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Antiwar Activists Win $2 Million Settlement from New York City in Major Victory for Free Speech Rights
An NYPD videotape of the demonstration depicts a group of demonstrators lined along the sidewalk of West 56th Street between 5th and 6th Avenues – with ample space for pedestrians – who were arrested without any police warning or opportunity to leave. The police arrested 94 people that day.
The arrests took place outside the offices of the Carlyle Group, an investment firm with ties to the Bush family and an extensive portfolio of holdings in the military-defense sector. The police tactics used that day became the model used by the NYPD during the 2004 Republican National Convention held in New York.
Full story
maandag 18 augustus 2008
Musharraf treedt af
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donderdag 14 augustus 2008
Turkey Pulls Out of Deal to Buy Iranian Gas Under Pressure From US
Signing the £1.87bn agreement to provide Turkey with Iranian natural gas - on which memoranda of understanding had already been agreed - was to have been the crowning achievement of Ahmadinejad's two-day visit to Istanbul, which Turkish officials had agreed to after intense Iranian lobbying. Iran is Turkey's second-biggest energy supplier after Russia and has been seeking to woo Turkish investment in its South Pars gas fields.
But as Ahmadinejad met his Turkish counterpart, Abdullah Gül, at Ciragan Palace in Istanbul, it emerged that US intervention had effectively torpedoed a deal.
Full story
Al Qaeda may attack during US election season: official
Washington, Aug 13 (IANS) A top US counter-terrorism official has warned of a heightened risk of an Al Qaeda attack during the upcoming US election season with the terrorist outfit exploiting recent political turmoil in Pakistan to strengthen its sanctuary there.[...]
But although Al Qaeda may use the election as an excuse for an attack, there is no evidence that Osama bin Laden hopes to tilt the race in favour of either of the two major presidential candidates, Gistaro, an Al Qaeda expert, said in a speech at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy Tuesday.
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Propagandaoorlog Georgië steeds absurder
(Novum/AP) - Volgens de Georgische president Michail Saakasjvili staan de Verenigde Staten op het punt om Georgische havens en vliegvelden over te nemen. Dat heeft hij woensdag gezegd. Het Amerikaanse ministerie van defensie ontkent ten stelligste.
Saakasjvili zei in een interview dat de aankomst van een Amerikaans goederenvliegtuig met humanitaire hulpgoederen 'betekent dat Georgische havens en vliegvelden onder het bestuur komen van het Amerikaanse ministerie van defensie'.
Het was de zoveelste overdrijving in een lange reeks van gekleurde, tegenstrijdige en half ware beweringen waaraan zowel de Georgiërs als de Russen zich gretig overgeven. Daardoor is het vaak lastig in te schatten wat er nu echt aan de hand is in het conflictgebied.
Alles over Zuid-Ossetië
woensdag 13 augustus 2008
The 9/11 Solution - RESTORED
"Inside Job" shows that thousands of eye witnesses and millions of live TV viewers heard and heard about MULTIPLE explosions in the Twin Towers that preceded their sudden and inexplicable collapse.
"The 9/11 Solution" shows that even as the World Trade Center was burning and immediately after the collapses, a stream of disinformation laying down the key official 9/11 myths was being actively being put in place via the US mass media (i.e. the impact of the planes weakened the structures, the "intense" fires caused the collapses, Bin Laden was the only possible suspect.)
Brasscheck TV
American Civil Liberties Union: EU-US Personal Data transfer makes EU privacy laws “meaningless”
Geheim rapport: EU moet informatie delen met VS
Doel van het prijsgeven van deze informatie is het bewerkstelligen van een 'Euro-Atlantische samenwerking' voor terrorismebestrijding, aldus het rapport dat zich concentreerde op veiligheid in de toekomst.Webwereld
dinsdag 12 augustus 2008
Evo Morales dwingt Shell Bolivia te verlaten - goed nieuws voor het Boliviaanse volk
Lees verder bij Yelandemu
ICG-rapport vol mythen over Venezuela
Gezien het feit dat de ICG vandaag de dag erkend wordt als één van de belangrijkste bronnen ter preventie, en voor het oplossen van gewelddadige conflicten in de wereld, is het verslag zeer incompleet als het gaat om het verstrekken van feitelijke informatie en het gebruiken van objectieve bronnen. Het is duidelijk dat het is gefabriceerd met weinig aandacht voor details en zou de alarmbellen moeten laten rinkelen voor iedereen die op de hoogte is van Venezolaanse zaken.
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Lesbische partner makkelijker "meemoeder"
Toch nog één positief besluit van dit kabinet.
Staat van beleg wegens 'bendeoorlog'
De vraag is of de staat van beleg gerechtvaardigd is. Een vertegenwoordiger van de American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), meent dat de maatregelen tegen het vierde amendement indruisen. "Onschuldige mensen opsluiten in hun eigen huis kan niet. Ik denk dat de stad zo nog veel meer problemen krijgt", aldus Holly Dickson van de ACLU. De Pers
maandag 11 augustus 2008
Naomi Klein: Olympics Are Coming out Party for "McCommunism"
JAY: The fireworks have been bursting at the most expensive opening to an Olympic ceremonies in history. Just what is being celebrated? You've called what's happening in China the communism. What do you mean?
KLEIN: The communism, Stalinism, market Stalinism, authoritarian capitalism, I think this is an incredibly efficient, actually, a scarily efficient way of organizing society that's actually being celebrated here, which is a hybrid of some of the worst elements of authoritarian communism—mass surveillance of the population, total lack of civil liberties, lack of a free press, lack of democratic rights, authoritarian central planning, all harnessed not to advance the goals of social justice, even in name, although there may be some lip service still paid to that, but to advance the goals of global capitalism. So it is Stalinism meets global capitalism. And it works. China is the most successful capitalist economy in the world: 11 percent growth, year after year after year. It is the most successful economy in the world. And that efficiency, that success, is intimately tied, I would argue, to the suppression of democratic rights. It's not successful despite the fact that it's not a democracy, despite the fact that you don't have independent trade unions; it is successful in large part because of that, because workers can't organize independent unions, [coughing] because Beijing, if they want to build a new export processing zone or a new shopping mall or a new Olympic stadium, can just raise whatever they want to raise and build whatever they want to build and displace as many people as they want to displace.
The Real News
China's "communisme" lijkt verdacht veel op de "successen" van de neoliberale globalisering...maar dan nóg ongeremder. Hoe meer economisch succes, hoe minder democratie.
Klinkt als de race to the bottom die ook met Europa in gang is gezet...
Feeding The Beast
If people demand nothing, that is precisely what they will get.Volledig te lezen op Information Clearing House
These lessons from history must teach us today, that protesters must PROTEST.
Elections aren't endings - they are beginnings - and movements mustn't stop moving; they should protest more!
Bolivianen steunen Morales massaal in referendum
Iraanse vice-president: Iraniërs "vrienden van Israëli's"
Als dit waar is, zou je het als een poging kunnen opvatten om de onderlinge verhoudingen wat te ontspannen. Wat me een goed ding lijkt. De wereld heeft dat nu meer dan ooit nodig.
Maar Fox News zou Fox News niet zijn als ze vervolgens niet de fout in zouden gaan met het wederom herhalen van deze foutief vertaalde uitspraak:
President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad prompted international criticism when he said in 2005 that he believed Israel would one day be "wiped off the map."
Dit is wat Ahmadinejad werkelijk zei:
'De Imam zei dat dit regime dat Jeruzalem bezet houdt moet verdwijnen van de bladzijden van de tijd.'
Evo mag blijven
zondag 10 augustus 2008
Tasers: nu ook in Nederland
Je weet wel, die "onschadelijke" stroomstootwapens.
Bolivia: Is Evo in Danger after the August 10 referendum ? The US prepares a civil war
Behind the rightwing, the United States prepares a civil war
It is the new tactic of the United States. Finding themselves unable to win a war of occupation, Washington is resorting to indirect war, war by proxies. Currently, strategy of Washington is to try to foment a civil war in Bolivia. For that, the provinces controlled by the rightwing and which contain the greater part of the oil and gas reserves along with the large agricultural properties tied to the transnationals, these provincial regimes are multiplying their provocations to prepare to secede.
Having personally studied the secret actions of the great powers to break up Yugoslavia (1), I made a point of drawing the attention of the Bolivians, during some interviews: today, Washington will try to transform their country into a new Yugoslavia.
Here are the ingredients needed for this deed: 1. Massive CIA investments. 2. An ambassador specialized in destabilization. 3. Experienced fascists. With these ingredients, you can prepare a coup d'etat or a civil war. Or both.
Read more: Global Research
zaterdag 9 augustus 2008
Vier Nederlandse militairen gewond in Uruzgan
Groen licht voor staats-virussen in Beieren
vrijdag 8 augustus 2008
Battle lines move from Kashmir to Kabul
There is wide acclaim today among Indian strategic analysts and diplomatic editors that New Delhi has scored a major diplomatic victory in Afghanistan and that its "influence" in Kabul has "peaked". This victory has come on the back of Washington's strategic pro-India tilt and, in the period since end-2001 to date, India's earmarking of a staggering US$1.2 billion as assistance for Afghan "reconstruction".
Read more at Asian Times
donderdag 7 augustus 2008
Who killed Nick Berg?
Possum believes "the available evidence surrounding the case suggests that it was a 'black operation' by US psychological warfare specialists ... to provide the media with a moral relativity argument to counter the adverse publicity over torture at Abu Ghraib". The use of FBI footage in the opening sequence, if confirmed, suggests the involvement of high-level US Government operatives.
I do not know who killed Nick Berg, or how he died. But there's something fishy about this video.
In the end, the question is: who killed Nick Berg, and why?
Protesteren tot je een ons weegt
‘Bomenkap Awacs-bos niet slecht voor milieu’ kopte Dagblad De Limburger gisteren. Wrange constatering voor de inwoners van de gemeenten Schinveld, Merkelbeek en Brunssum die de afgelopen jaren samen met de activisten van Groenfront hebben gestreden tegen de plannen van de Amerikaanse vliegbasis in Geilenkirchen. In 2006 was ik er zelf bij. Als journalist bezocht ik met mijn ouders - die hun afkeer van de gang van zaken rond de Awacs-vliegtuigen niet onder stoelen of banken steken - het provisorische onderkomen van de activisten in de bossen vlakbij de basis. Buurtbewoners snelden af en aan met koffie, warme chocolademelk, soep, dekens en steunbetuigingen.
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Hiroshima was, inderdaad, een experiment
Met dank aan Abdul Haq voor het inzenden
Chemical Traces of High Explosives in WTC Debris
Met dank aan Abdul Haq
Kucinich seeks to bar US oil firms from Iraq
Rep. Dennis Kucinich has introduced a measure that would bar US oil companies from receiving contracts in Iraq.
The Ohio Democrat, who believes exploiting Iraq’s massive oil reserves was the primary reason we invaded, introduced a measure he says aims to keep Iraq’s oil wealth within the country.
“Iraq needs oil revenue now more than ever as they try to rebuild their country,” Kucinich said Thursday, unveiling the Oil for Iraq Liberation Act. Bron
Met dank aan Abdul Haq
Canada, U.S. agree to use each other's troops in civil emergencies
David Pugliese , Canwest News Service
Published: Friday, February 22, 2008
Canada and the U.S. have signed an agreement that paves the way for the militaries from either nation to send troops across each other's borders during an emergency, but some are questioning why the Harper government has kept silent on the deal.
Neither the Canadian government nor the Canadian Forces announced the new agreement, which was signed Feb. 14 in Texas. Bron
Met dank aan Abdul Haq
Gravel: Take Bush to The Hague
Former Democratic presidential candidate Mike Gravel Former Democratic candidate Mike Gravel says President George W. Bush should be taken to The Hague for war crimes rather than being impeached. Bron
Met dank aan Abdul Haq
Ingezonden: Vaccins, genocide in NL
Vaccins, genocide in NL
Gezien de propaganda die overwaait naar Nederland over kanker vaccinaties, "gevaarlijke nieuwe griep virussen" en "nationale rampen" waar Balkenende alles voor het zeggen moet krijgen, denk ik dat deze documentaire een aardig beeld geeft van waar wij de komende jaren in NL mee te maken krijgen, te beginnen met Gardasil.
"In general, the war system provides the basic motivation for primary social organization. (…) the presumed power of the "enemy" sufficient to warrant an individual sense of allegiance to a society must be proportionate to the size and complexity of the society. Today, of course, that power must be one of unprecedented magnitude and frightfulness. (…) … the historical analogy serves as a reminder that a viable substitute for war as a social system cannot be a mere symbolic charade. It must involve real risk of real personal destruction, and on a scale consistent with the size and complexity of modern social systems. Credibility is the key. Whether the substitute is ritual in nature or functionally substantive, unless it provides a believable life-and-death threat it will not serve the socially organizing function of war. The existence of an accepted external menace, then, is essential to social cohesiveness as well as to the acceptance of political authority. The menace must be believable, it must be of a magnitude consistent with the complexity of the society threatened, and it must appear, at least, to affect the entire society.
Man, like all other animals, is subject to the continuing process of adapting to the limitations of his environment. But the principal mechanism he has utilized for this purpose is unique among living creatures. To forestall the inevitable historical cycles of inadequate food supply, post-Neolithic man destroys surplus members of his own species by organized warfare. (…) An acceptable economic surrogate for the war system will require the expenditure of resources for completely non-productive purposes at a level comparable to that of the military expenditures otherwise demanded by the size and complexity of each society. Such a substitute system of apparent "waste" must be of a nature that will permit it to remain independent of the normal supply-demand economy; it must be subject to arbitrary political control. (…) A viable political substitute for economic control, … must posit a generalized external menace to each society of a nature and degree sufficient to require the organization and acceptance of political authority."
Palestijnse expositie niet beledigend
Eén woord: dûh....
Meer informatie:
EU beperkt verdere vrijheden
Europe should consider sharing vast amounts of intelligence and information on its citizens with the US to establish a "Euro-Atlantic area of cooperation" to combat terrorism, according to a high-level confidential report on future security. The Guardian
Zie ook NuJij
Second Referendum in pipeline: Irish campaigners want your help
Anthony Coughlan, Secretary of Ireland’s National Platform EU Research and Information Centre
As you probably know, the Yes-side elements in last month’s Lisbon Treaty referendum in Ireland are contemplating holding a second referendum next spring on the same Treaty, in the hope of inducing Irish voters to reverse the result of their 12 June No vote, so enabling Lisbon to be ratified. The Irish Government is under heavy pressure from France, Germany and the Brussels Commission to follow such a course.
Lees verder op Spectrezine
Is Pakistan's "Public Enemy Number One" A CIA Asset?
Is Pakistan's "Public Enemy Number One" A CIA Asset? Of Course He Is! Otherwise He'd Have Been Dead A Long Time Ago
Why was not Baitullah captured when he was ready to surrender? Instead, he was given money and allowed to grow his militia from a few hundred to nearly 20,000? Why? Who made the decision?
‘Multinationals hebben geen enkel normbesef’
Waarom lees ik nooit dat er in China nu twintig miljoen mensen op een elektrische scooter rondrijden? Waarom lees ik niet dat er in China vanaf 1994 miljarden bomen zijn geplant? Geen mens weet dat de Chinezen de grootste gebruikers zijn van zonnepanelen. Wat wij altijd zien, zijn foto’s van Chinezen met een doekje voor de mond tegen de smog. Hoe vrij is de pers eigenlijk, vraag ik me af als ik hoor dat Rupert Murdoch, eigenaar van 22 tv-stations in de Verenigde Staten, een documentaire over Monsanto laat schrappen omdat hij anders reclame-inkomsten misloopt. Blijkbaar kan in een vrij land als de VS de commercie bepalen wat je niet mag filmen of schrijven. En als je daar toch over bericht, word je meteen in de ‘linkse’ hoek gedumpt. Vanaf dat moment word je permanent gewantrouwd en in de gaten gehouden. Ik vind dat hoogst onbetamelijk.”Lees verder
woensdag 6 augustus 2008
Canadese busmoordenaar wil dood
Wat Li bezield heeft is vooralsnog een raadsel. Noch zijn werkgever, noch de pastoor die hem na zijn aankomst in de VS een baantje in zijn kerk bezorgde, hadden ooit iets vreemds aan hem opgemerkt. Volgens zijn werkgever, een distributeur van kranten in Edmonton, was Li een modelwerknemer.
Lees verder in De Standaard
Pakistan beschuldigt VS van steun aan terrorisme
Harde bewijzen
Zowel president Pervez Musharraf, legerleider Ashfaq Pervez Kayani als de chef van de spionagedienst ISI, Nadeem Taj, zouden in vergaderingen met twee Amerikaanse hoogwaardigheidsbekleders op 12 juli harde en ook indirecte bewijzen voorgelegd hebben van Amerikaanse steun aan terrorisme binnen Pakistan.
Het artikel in Hindustan Times
Ondertussen dreigt Musharraf afgezet te worden. De vraag is wie hem dan zou vervangen. Gematigde krachten, of Taliban-aanhangers? Hou in gedachten dat Pakistan atoomwapens heeft...
maandag 4 augustus 2008
Meeroken: Anti-rokengroepen bekennen misleiding
Na een aantal artikelen in de Amerikaanse pers hebben enkele anti-rokengroepen daar bekend dat ze de gevaren van meeroken bewust hebben overdreven. En ze hebben er geen spijt van, nee, ze verdedigen deze opstelling zelfs met de argumentatie dat iedereen toch moet begrijpen dat hun claims over de acute gevolgen van meeroken onzin zijn.
Forces Nederland
zaterdag 2 augustus 2008
The Trolls Among Us
Verkorte Nederlandse versie is te vinden op Zaplog.
'VS beschermde Karadzic'
In 2000 kwam de CIA erachter dat Karadzic persoonlijk vergaderingen bleef voorzitten van zijn zogenaamde Servische Democratische Partij (SDS). ,,In Amerika werden ze stapelgek toen zij beseften dat Karadzic ze voor de gek hield'', aldus de bron.De Pers krijgt wat je geeft...
vrijdag 1 augustus 2008
Proces aanslagen Londen mislukt
De aanklacht luidde samenzwering tot het veroorzaken van ontploffingen. De jury achtte dat niet bewezen.
De Pers
Olieprijs schiet omhoog na uitlatingen Israëlische vicepremier
Privacy anno augustus 2008
Lees meer
Anthrax-verdachte pleegt zelfmoord
De Pers
"I believe the FBI knows exactly who was behind these terrorist anthrax attacks upon the United States Congress in the Fall of 2001, and that the culprits were US government-related scientists involved in a criminal US government biowarfare program," Boyle said.
Zelfmoord hmm? Ik twijfel. Lees ook:
So it was not Al-ka-ee-da......
De verborgen miltvuur-verdachte
Jongen vermoord en onthoofd in Canadese bus
Dader en slachtoffer zouden elkaar niet kennen. Meer info
Je zou bijna denken dat het om een huurmoord gaat....sommigen suggereren zelfs een "geprogrammeerde" moordenaar. Mind Control?
SP-kiezer: SP moet linkser
Zo zien de huidige SP-stemmers hun partij liever nog iets naar links opschuiven, maar ervaren eventuele SP-stemmers de partij juist als te links.
De Pers