vrijdag 29 februari 2008
DeepJournal over Kamervragen van Lange Frans en Baas B
Zoals over de moord op Fortuyn. Kort na de moord begon ik met het noteren van informatie uit de pers die vragen opriepen.
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Wat Wilders Wil
donderdag 28 februari 2008
Point Of No Return
worldwide corporate junta taking our privacy away
In the name of the dollar and a Middle East racist regime
blaming the victims, bombing the children, it doesn't have to be that way
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FBI documenten spreken 9/11-commissie tegen. Link kapers/Saudi Arabië en andere merkwaardigheden
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Gaza Massacre
Warning: graphic images.
See video
woensdag 27 februari 2008
Presentatie 9/11 documentaire ‘Zero’ in bomvol Europees Parlement
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Bomvol. Inclusief ZES Europarlementariërs?
Yep. Het vertrouwen in de politiek wordt er stukken beter op...Schande!
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Ingekomen bericht: Vertoning Zero en 9/11-debat in...
‘Desnoods 935 keer opheldering vragen over Irak’
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maandag 25 februari 2008
Another Kosovo lie exposed: NATO used doctored video to justify bombing of passenger train
In the Frankfurter Rundschau of January 6 reporter Arnd Festerling documented how NATO used falsified video recordings to justify its conduct of the war in Kosovo.
At least 14 people died on April 12, 1999 when a US Airforce bomber fired on a railway bridge near the Serbian village of Grdenicka just as a passenger train was crossing the bridge. Following the initial strike of the train, the pilot returned to make a second sweep of the burning bridge and dropped a bomb on a carriage that had not been hit by the first assault.
At the time NATO described the bombing of the commuter train as a tragic accident. NATO's presentation of events, it now emerges, was based on doctored video recordings and misleading descriptions of what took place aboard the fighter plane.
Gewonden bij rellen over Kosovo
Spanningen rond Kosovo: een overzicht
'Minister moet in Uruzgan uitleg geven'
Dat stelde voorzitter Jan Kleian van de militaire vakbond ACOM maandag. Hij reageerde daarmee op de onrust die onder militairen is ontstaan over dat onderzoek. "De onderzoekscommissie is niet ter plaatse geweest."
Volgens Kleian moet de top van Defensie er daarom zo snel mogelijk heen, om uit te leggen hoe de onderzoekscommissie tot de conclusie is gekomen dat de twee Nederlandse militairen inderdaad om het leven kwamen door 'eigen vuur'.
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Mysterieuze bijensterfte in het Groene Hart
Lees meer op RTV West
Please Lord, not the bees
’Bijensterfte erger dan opwarming aarde’
Omstreden Bulgaars weeshuis sluit de deuren
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''Linkse meerderheid beter voor beleggers''
Het rendement op Nederlandse aandelen ligt jaarlijks gemiddeld 11% hoger wanneer er in de Tweede Kamer een linkse meerderheid is dan dan wanneer er sprake is van een rechtse Kamermeerderheid. Dat blijkt uit een onderzoek van de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam dat is gepubliceerd in het tijdschrift Economisch Statistische berichten (ESB).
zondag 24 februari 2008
Screening "Zero" about 9/11 in European Parliament
Brussel 26 februari 2008 19h, PHS 3C50
Georganiseerd door het Europarlementslid uit Italie, Giulietto Chiesa.
Europa voor een onafhankelijke Onderzoek i.v.m. 11 Septembre 2001
Gevolgd door een debat met Andreas von Bulow, Giulietto Chiesa, David Ray Griffin, Yukihisa Fujita.
Enkele weken na het japans parlement , is het de tour aan Europa om het debat te openen over wat er werkelijk gebeurt is op 11 septembre 2001. Terwijl de journalisten en de politici de versie van het complot ondersteunen dat door de Bush administratie verdedigt wordt, waarbij islamieten de schuld krijgen, organiseert het Europarlementslid uit Italie, Giulietto Chiesa een historische avond in het Europees Parlement in Brussel op 26 fébruari met zijn film ZERO - Inchiesta sull’11 settembre.
No to Corporate Europe - yes to Global Justice!
Member organisations of the Seattle to Brussels Network (S2B) are calling for concerted efforts to roll back the strategy of the European Union called Global Europe: Competing in the World, the EU's exploitative bilateral trade agreements, and corporate power. The groups also reject what they call "the false solution of unfair multilateralism and the EU's proposals at the WTO."
S2B, which brings together civil society activists engaged in a wide range of peoples' movements and organisations in Europe, issued the statement below in order, they say, to "express our opposition and resistance to the neoliberal trade and investment policies that the EU governments and European Commission are implementing in our countries and worldwide. Simultaneously, we are also building the alternatives." Spectrezine applauds this vital initiative, the full text of which is set out below, along with links to information about how you can get involved.
Read more: Spectrezine
zaterdag 23 februari 2008
Iraqis: 'Surge' Is a Catastrophe
BAGHDAD - What the US has been calling the success of a "surge," many Iraqis see as evidence of catastrophe. Where US forces point to peace and calm, local Iraqis find an eerie silence.
And when US forces speak of a reduction in violence, many Iraqis simply do not know what they are talking about.
Hundreds died in a series of explosions in Baghdad last month. This was despite the strongest ever security measures taken by the US military, riding the "surge" in security forces and their activities.
The death toll is high, according to the website, which provides reliable numbers of Iraqi civilian and security deaths.
Full story
Burgers gedood door Israëlische aanval
SP-leider fel over Wilders, Verdonk
Marijnissen schilderde Verdonk af als extreem rechts en noemde PVV-leider Wilders levensgevaarlijk, vanwege zijn denkbeelden.
Volledige toespraak
donderdag 21 februari 2008
woensdag 20 februari 2008
BUT…. best to be silent or you might be called an anti Semite… Israel does what it wants, when it wants, where it wants…. It has been for 60 years and has no intention to stop now.
"Al Qaeda" mengt zich in strijd tussen Obama en Clinton...
Klik zelf maar even..
(mijn voorkeur gaat inmiddels naar geen van de "grote" kandidaten, noch Democraat of Republikein)
dinsdag 19 februari 2008
Amerikaanse rechter verbiedt klokkenluiderssite
Een Amerikaanse rechter heeft gevonnist dat de site voorlopig op zwart moet. Op de site kunnen klokkenluiders anoniem documenten publiceren die misstanden in de politiek en het bedrijfsleven aan de kaak stellen. De site is sinds eind vorige week via de officiële url niet meer op te vragen. Mirrors in onder andere Europa zijn, ondanks de volgens de site 'ongrondwettige censuur', nog wel bereikbaar. De rechtbank oordeelde in het voordeel van de Zwitserse bank Julius Baer, die van Wikileaks-hoster Dynadot eiste dat de site volledig offline werd gehaald.
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Navo-troepen in actie bij grensposten Kosovo
maandag 18 februari 2008
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CIA set up 12 bogus companies mostly in Europe after 9/11: report
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Independence in the Brave New World Order- NATO's Kosovo Colony
February 18, 2008
Across this last weekend, the Western propaganda machine was working overtime, celebrating the latest NATO miracle: the transformation of Serbian Kosovo into Albanian Kosova. A shameless land grab by the United States, which used the Kosovo problem to install an enormous military base (Camp Bondsteel) on other people's strategically located land, is transformed by the power of the media into an edifying legend of "national liberation".
For the unhappy few who know the complicated truth about Kosovo, the words of Aldous Huxley seem most appropriate: "You shall know the truth, and the truth shall drive you mad."
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Read the dossier they killed David Kelly for
The document, by Foreign Office press chief John Williams, was an unpublished draft of the September 2002 dossier.
The Conservatives and Lib Dems say its similarities to the final version show "spin doctors" had played a crucial role in drawing up the dossier.
The government says it was never part of the formal drafting process.
The Foreign Office lost its appeal against a ruling the document be published under the Freedom of Information Act.
Clinton, Obama en McCain zijn corporate oorlogspimpende cocksuckers
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Veel soldaten Uruzgan mentaal ziek
De missie in zuid-Afghanistan is veel heftiger dan gedacht. Overal dreigt gevaar. Die voortdurende spanning blijkt zijn tol te eisen. Honderden soldaten en officieren kampen met mentale problemen, blijkt uit cijfers van Defensie. Van de militairen die betrokken waren bij gevechtsacties, vraagt 40% om psychische hulp.
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'Consument eet mogelijk ziek vlees'
De Voedsel en Waren Autoriteit, VWA, erkent dat er niet genoeg mensen en geld beschikbaar zijn om de wettelijke taken uit te voeren. Dat blijkt uit een brief van de VWA uit oktober 2007, die het Tros-programma Radar via de Partij voor de Dieren in handen heeft gekregen.
Een van de oorzaken van het gebrek aan middelen van de toezichthouder is dat hij de kosten van de inspecties niet volledig bij de vleessector in rekening kan brengen. De SP heeft over de zaak schriftelijke vragen gesteld aan minister Verburg van Landbouw.Lees meer
zondag 17 februari 2008
Brzezinski's War
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Chavez accuses Colombian paramilitaries to attack Venezuela
See complete google-translation to English
Het geheime bondgenootschap tussen de CIA en de terroristen
In de lente van 1998 noemen Amerikaanse leiders de Albanese UCK-separatisten terroristen omwille van hun bloedige aanslagen. Drie maanden later steunen ze het UCK ten volle. Nadien treden ze op als de luchtmacht van het UCK. Dat wordt nog eens herhaald in Macedonië. Ook daar levert Washington wapens en instructeurs aan terroristische groepen.
Kosovo is intussen de draaischijf geworden van een gigantische drugshandel tussen Afghanistan-Turkije-de Balkan-Europa. Zo financieren de terroristen de aankoop van wapens. De Navo die massaal aanwezig is, beweegt niet. Interpol en Europese politiediensten klagen dit al jaren aan maar zonder reactie. De terroristen zijn nu eenmaal de protégés van de VS.
Gewonden bij rellen over Kosovo
Ze protesteerden tegen de gebeurtenissen in Kosovo. Het Kosovaarse parlement riep de onafhankelijkheid uit en Amerika is één van de westerse landen die bereid zijn de nieuwe staat te erkennen.
Bij de rellen voor de Amerikaanse ambassade in Belgrado zijn zeker achttien gewonden gevallen, onder wie enkele politiemannen.
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Zie ook
Spanningen rond Kosovo: een overzicht
De redenen voor deze onafhankelijkheid:
En natuurlijk democratie...dat is een ander woord voor pijpleidingen.
Onafhankelijkheid? M'n zolen. De afhankelijkheid is vandaag begonnen.
Iran opened its oil bourse today.
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zaterdag 16 februari 2008
Minister: fouten bij inval in Irak
In het radio-programma Tros Kamerbreed zei Van Middelkoop: "Het is evident dat er fouten zijn gemaakt. Dat hebben de Amerikanen en Britten achteraf zelf ook toegegeven." Hij zei verder dat de inval 'met de kennis van toen' wel legitiem was. RTL
WTF??? Legitiem met de kennis van toen? Je moet maar durven.
Memo aan de Tweede Kamer: Het is eigenlijk onbestaanbaar dat dit kabinet er na het komende spoeddebat over Irak nog als zodanig zit.
En daar gaan jullie voor zorgen. Of moet het volk het zelf opknappen?
Afzender: jullie kiezers.
Ausweis bitte
Uiteraard gaat het Nederlandse volk niks ondernemen om de nachtmerrie te stoppen voordat het te laat is. Men zal heel braaf de instructies volgen van de ambtenaar en de hand plaatsen op het coole roodgloeiende glasplaatje en de oog richten op de camera.
Wie niks te verbergen heeft.....
donderdag 14 februari 2008
Flemming Rose and the Straussian Art of Provocation
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Rellen houden Kopenhagen uit slaap
Vlam in de pan
De jongeren zijn boos op de politie omdat die hen anders zou behandelen dan andere jongeren. De vlam sloeg helemaal in de pan toen de politie drie moslims aanhield wegens het voorbereiden van een aanslag op een cartoonist.
Oud-kabinetsleden: Irak-besluit was twijfelachtig
Het kabinet-Balkenende I is verdeeld over de omstreden besluitvorming rond de oorlog in Irak in 2003. Negen kabinetsleden zeiden tegen actualiteitenprogramma Nova dat het besluit is genomen 'op basis van onjuiste of twijfelachtige informatie'. De helft van de 28 bewindspersonen wilde niet over de kwestie praten.
Nova sprak, op voorwaarde van anonimiteit, met alle toenmalige ministers en staatssecretarissen van CDA, VVD en LPF over de besluitvorming rond de politieke steun aan de oorlog. Drie toenmalige kabinetsleden stellen voor de Nederlandse steunverklaring te onderzoeken, zoals een aantal oppositiepartijen en leden van regeringspartijen ook wil.
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Uitzending NOVA
Ballin: Privacywet niet aanpassen om rfid-chips
Volgens de minister zou de Wet Bescherming Persoonsgegevens voldoende bescherming bieden. Verschillende partijen in de Tweede Kamer blijven echter bezorgd. Vooral de PvdA, SP en ChristenUnie uiten hun bezorgdheid over de identificatiechips, meldt het ANP.
Consumenten zouden volgens de partijen uitdrukkelijke toestemming moeten geven voordat bedrijven gebruik mogen maken van de chips. De SP suggereerde dat de chips gebruikt kunnen worden voor marketingdoeleinden die de consument niet wenselijk vindt. Ook zou het kabinet niet andere belangen mogen stellen boven het privacybelang.
Lees verder op Webwereld
woensdag 13 februari 2008
Hillary is de slet van Big-industry
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Nancy Pelosi & Zionist Warhawks Move to Punish Congressman Kucinich for Pushing Impeachment of Cheney
- Is Dennis Kucinich Being McKinney'd?
Get Kucinich
Counterpunch, February 8 / 10, 2008
Straight to the Source
There is a report circulating the web that before the Nevada primary Kucinich was visited by representatives of Nancy Pelosi and the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, the right wing Israeli lobby. They told him that if he would drop his campaigns to impeach Cheney and Bush, they would guarantee his re-election to the House of Representatives. Kucinich threw them out of his office.
Kucinich has aggressively challenged the Democratic Party leadership in Congress and on the presidential campaign trail on the issues of war, civil liberties, impeachment and big business control of government. He's even refused to pledge to endorse the party's presidential nominee.
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Bush: Grotere aanslagen dreigen
Bush poogt met zijn opmerking het Huis van Afgevaardigden onder druk te zetten om in te stemmen met nieuwe regels voor het afluisteren van terreurverdachten. De Senaat heeft een voorstel aangenomen dat telecombedrijven, die de autoriteiten zonder toestemming van een rechtbank helpen bij het afluisteren van telefoongesprekken en het bekijken van e-mails, vrijwaart van vervolging.
De regering-Bush kwam eerder in opspraak door, zonder gerechtelijke toestemming te vragen, telefoongesprekken en e-mails van terreurverdachten af te tappen. Maar om achter de plannen te komen van de vijand is de samenwerking van telecombedrijven onontbeerlijk, zei Bush.
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'Earth-Shattering' Events Worry Chertoff
Chertoff recognizes it has been more than six years since al Qaida launched the Sept. 11 attacks, but some experts say that's how long it took to plan them, suggesting the U.S. may close in on another spectacular attempt by Osama bin Laden to topple the U.S. economy.
’Bijensterfte erger dan opwarming aarde’
,,De oprukkende varroa destructor mijt zorgt voor grote bijensterfte. Economisch kan dit probleem erger worden dan de opwarming van de aarde. Want zonder bijen, geen bestuiving en geen landbouw.''
Lees meer op Haarlems Dagblad
Please Lord, not the bees
It sounds like the start of a Kurt Vonnegut novel:
Nobody worried all that much about the loss of a few animal species here and there until one day the bees came to their senses and decided to quit producing an unnaturally large surplus of honey for our benefit. One by one, they went on strike and flew off to parts unknown.
Among the various mythologies of the apocalypse, fear of insect plagues has always loomed larger than fear of species loss. But this may change, as a strange new plague is wiping out our honey bees one hive at a time. It has been named Colony Collapse Disorder, or CCD, by the apiculturalists and apiarists who are scrambling to understand and hopefully stop it. First reported last autumn in the U.S., the list of afflicted countries has now expanded to include several in Europe, as well as Brazil, Taiwan, and possibly Canada. (1)(24)(29)
Read more at GNN
dinsdag 12 februari 2008
How the DGSE had foiled a new wave of attacks by Al-CIA in Europe
Google translation of this article by Thierry Meyssan, originally posted at
The war in Pakistan will have to wait
How the DGSE had foiled a new wave of attacks by Al-CIA in Europe
Science-Fiction mais bedreiging voor Raalte
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Asbestbesmetting in Nederland
Jaarlijks sterven in ons land zo?n 900 mensen aan de gevolgen van asbestbesmetting. Marius Coenraats was pas 26 jaar toen bij hem buikvlieskanker werd vastgesteld. Dit is uniek, omdat deze vorm van kanker ontstaat door intensief contact met asbest en dus eigenlijk niet voorkomt bij jonge mensen. Buikvlieskanker is agressief, slopend en ongeneeslijk.
Lees meer, bekijk uitzending Netwerk
Blair went to war on a lie, law lords told
Tuesday, 12 February 2008
The mothers of two teenage soldiers killed in Iraq accused Tony Blair's government of going to war "on a lie" as they took their fight for a public inquiry into the conflict to the House of Lords.
Beverly Clarke and Rose Gentle argue that ministers breached their duty to Britain's armed forces by failing to ensure the invasion was lawful.
Trooper David Clarke, from Littleworth, Staffordshire, was killed by "friendly fire" near Basra in 2003, while Fusilier Gordon Gentle, from Glasgow, died in a roadside bomb attack in Basra in 2004. Both were 19.
The law lords yesterday began considering the mothers' argument that servicemen and women have the right not to have their lives jeopardised in illegal conflicts.
Read more at The Independent
Spoeddebat over Amerikaanse leugens Irak
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maandag 11 februari 2008
Hoe de Franse Geheime Diensten een serie aanslagen van Al-CIADA in Europa voorkwam
Zie vertaling door Babylonia van Meyssan's artikel op Voltairenet
Alternatieve link:
The US-NATO Preemptive Nuclear Doctrine: Trigger a Middle East Nuclear Holocaust to Defend "The Western Way of Life"
The controversial NATO sponsored report entitled “Towards a Grand Strategy for an Uncertain World: Renewing Transatlantic Partnership". calls for a first strike use of nuclear weapons. The preemptive use of nukes would also be used to undermine an "increasingly brutal World" as a means to prevent the use of weapons of mass destruction:"They [the authors of the report] consider that nuclear war might soon become possible in an increasingly brutal world. They propose the first use of nuclear weapons must remain "in the quiver of escalation as the ultimate instrument to prevent the use of weapons of mass destruction". (Paul Dibb, Sidney Morning Herald, 11 February 2008)
The group, insists that the option of first strike of nuclear weapons is "indispensable, since there is simply no realistic prospect of a nuclear-free world." (Report, p. 97, emphasis added):
Nuclear weapons are the ultimate instrument of an asymmetric response – and at the same time the ultimate tool of escalation. Yet they are also more than an instrument, since they transform the nature of any conflict and widen its scope from the regional to the global. ...
...Nuclear weapons remain indispensable, and nuclear escalation continues to remain an element of any modern strategy.Nuclear escalation is the ultimate step in responding asymmetrically, and at the same time the most powerful way of inducing uncertainty in an opponent’s mind. (Ibid, emphasis added)
The Group's Report identifies six key "challenges", which may often result as potential threats to global security:
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Seminar DU munitie in Amersfoort 14 februari
Deelname is gratis, opgeven vooraf is wenselijk.
Meer informatie:
Obama of Clinton?
Senator Anja Meulenbelt over Barack Obama vs. Hillary Clinton
Venezuelan Minister: Oil Company Asset Freeze is “Judicial Terrorism”
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zondag 10 februari 2008
De toenemende omsingeling van Iran
Eerder deze maand verscheen de jaarlijkse Dreigingsinschatting van de Amerikaanse directeur van Nationale Inlichtingen, Michael McConnell. Het is een op schrift gestelde getuigenis voor de Inlichtingencommissie van de Amerikaanse Senaat die een inzicht geeft in de actuele visie van de belangrijkste inlichtingenadviseur van de president. In zijn getuigenis legt hij de nadruk op de Iraanse pogingen uranium te verrijken en de capaciteit van het land om lange-afstandswapens af te vuren. De combinatie hiervan wordt nu op het hoogste niveau gepresenteerd als centraal argument om Iran als gevaar voor de wereldvrede te brandmerken. Alsof de National Intelligence Estimate nooit heeft bestaan.
Lees verder op Deepjournal
Gates waarschuwt voor splitsing in NAVO

Daarvoor heeft de Amerikaanse minister van Defensie, Robert Gates, gewaarschuwd op een veiligheidsbijeenkomst in München.
Gates uitspraak komt na een week waarin de Verenigde Staten zware druk hebben uitgeoefend op NAVO-leden als Frankrijk, Duitsland, Italië, Spanje en Turkije om meer gevechtstroepen te sturen om de Taliban in Zuid-Afghanistan te verslaan.
Lees meer bij NOS
De Navo zit sinds het einde van de Koude Oorlog al in reservetijd, en wordt misbruikt om de geopolitieke belangen van de corporate Amerikaans-Israelische as veilig te stellen, onder de vlag van de zogenaamde war on terror . Wat hebben we te zoeken in een organisatie die zichzelf het recht wil voorbehouden om preventief kernwapens in te zetten? Niets.
De tijd is meer dan rijp om er uit te stappen.
The US-NATO Preemptive Nuclear Doctrine: Trigger a Middle East nuclear holocaust to defend the western way of life
Groot alarm op olieplatform Noordzee
Volgens de Britse nieuwszender Sky News zijn bomexperts naar de platforms gestuurd. Er zou een bommelding binnen zijn gekomen en een vrouw op het platform zou daarbij betrokken zijn. RTL
Jake Molloy, an offshore workers union representative, was amazed any bomb could be smuggled onto a rig because of "very, very rigid" restrictions on the mainland.
He told Sky News: "I find it incredible to think anyone could get a device offshore."
Sky News
War vs Peace: Colombia, Venezuela and the FARC Hostage Saga
Within the space of one week, three high level US officials - Joint Chiefs of Staff Admiral Michael Mullen, director of the Office of National Drug Control Policy John Walters, and Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice - visited Colombia, where they made a series of attacks on Venezuela.
The officials alleged that Venezuela had become a key transit route for Colombia's cocaine production, which accounts for 60% of world supplies. They also alleged that Venezuela is supplying material support and weapons to the FARC; that the FARC operate in Venezuelan territory and hold prisoners there, and that Venezuela constitutes a military threat to Colombia and has expansionist aims in the region.
However, no evidence has been provided to back up any of these claims, none of which stand up to scrutiny of the facts. The allegations are in reality aimed at generating a matrix of negative international opinion in order to isolate the Chavez government whose Bolivarian revolution is posing a serious challenge to U.S. imperialism in the region.
This media and diplomatic campaign has been combined with the launching of a general military offensive against the FARC guerillas which control around 30% of Colombian territory.
Orders were given on January 26 to encircle FARC camps where prisoners are held in order to carry out a military rescue (in direct contradiction to the wishes of the relatives of the prisoners) and to attempt to engage FARC guerrillas in combat. On the day of the so-called peace rally, Uribe called for the complete eradication of the FARC from Colombian soil.
Roots of the conflict
Colombia's guerrilla war dates back six decades, to La Violencia (The Violence) the 10-year civil war that began in the late 1940s between the Conservative and Liberal parties of the Colombian oligarchy that resulted in at least 200,000 deaths.
Many workers and peasants fled the violence, creating independent "peace communities" in the south of the country. When the government persecuted these communities, guerrilla organizations were formed as instruments of self-defense. Out of these groups, the FARC formed in 1964, and today, together with the National Liberation Army (ELN), Colombia's second largest guerrilla group, control almost 40% of the country.
The FARC has previously attempted to reach a peace accord with the Colombian government in the 1980s. However, after they disarmed and established a civilian organization, 3,000 of their members were massacred by the military, forcing them back into armed struggle. The FARC were placed on the US's list of banned terrorist organizations after the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks in the US.
The campaign against the FARC and the Venezuelan government also seeks to distract attention from the growing "para-politics" scandal that has engulfed the Uribe government, with 40 pro-Uribe legislators under investigation for their connections to the paramilitary groups, including Uribe's brother and cousin.
Uribe is also seeking to use the conflict as an excuse to crackdown on internal dissent. The Colombia Solidarity Campaign statement reported that in the previous two weeks, dozens of activists have been arbitrarily arrested and detained. Senator Peidad Cordoba, who is now under investigation for "crimes against the homeland," has been the victim of numerous death threats and verbal assaults attacks publicly justified by Colombian Interior Minister, Carlos Holguin in Colombian daily El Tiempo on January 24 when he said, "when a person speaks against their country, as Senator Piedad Cordoba did, it is natural that people will react."
Leader of the center-left opposition party, Polo Democratico Alternativo, Carlos Gaviria, also received death threats for organizing a separate march on the same day as the pro-war demonstrations in order to call for a humanitarian accord. Gaviria described the political environment as "pre-fascist."
Full article Global Research
Iraqis: 'US the biggest producer of terror'
Others blame the lack of security and the destroyed infrastructure for the increasing anti-US sentiment.
"The lack of security is a direct result of the occupation," resident Abu Ali told IPS. "The Americans crossed thousands of miles to destroy our home and kill our men. They are the reason for all our disasters."
Another resident, speaking on condition of anonymity added, "We lived in need during the period of the Saddam government, but we were safe. We were compelled to work sometimes 20 hours a day to earn our living, but we were happy to see our children and relatives together." US forces, he said, have ended all that.
zaterdag 9 februari 2008
Debunking The Debunkers
By Joel Skousen World Affairs Brief - c. 2005 Joel Skousen Partial quotations with attribution permitted. Cite source as World Affairs Brief
2-14-5- In every major conspiracy to cover up government criminal activity, agents of change or naïve "experts" have been hired by the establishment media to debunk conspiracy theories and facts. Walter Cronkite was trotted out of retirement to host a PBS documentary debunking the conspiracy facts surrounding the assassination of JFK (which was hardly convincing). In like manner, other programs have been produced at great expense to discredit the charges of government cover-ups in the Vince Foster and Ron Brown murders, the downing of TWA 800 by a missile, and the OKC bombing of the Murrah building.
- The professional debunkers use four primary tactics to accomplish their propaganda feats:
Full article at
“Take it or leave it”
Ik heb niets tegen moslims, niets tegen de Koran ik heb zelfs niets tegen de sharia, als mensen zich daar prettig bij voelen, mijn zegen hebben ze, ze gaan hun gang maar. Echter NIET in Nederland, in Nederland zijn staat en kerk gescheiden en dat “moeten ze blijven” voor het recht niet onderdrukt te worden door de terreur van een religie hebben we met succes eeuwen gevochten en met goede redenen. Nooit zal de kerk op de stoel van de rechter mogen zitten.
P.uncia op DitKanNietWaarZijn
donderdag 7 februari 2008
Top Spies To Be Called in Aipac Trial
The use of these witnesses appears to be part of an unexpected strategy on behalf of the prosecution — to show that the former lobbyists not only broke the law but also exposed America to a real national security threat.
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Crisis in de NAVO als gevolg van oorlog in Afghanistan
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Beste Harry: Tijd om zo snel mogelijk uit de Navo te stappen. Ook hierom! Laten we het gewoon toegeven: het milde Navo-standpunt van het SP verkiezingscongres van 2006 was een vergissing.
"De Navo dient zo snel mogelijk te worden opgeheven. Nederland doet er goed aan om het voorbeeld te geven en uit de Navo te stappen." (Uit het SP beginselprogramma.)
dinsdag 5 februari 2008
Mossad zegt wat oorlogshitsers graag horen over Iran:
Mossad director Meir Dagan, in an intelligence assessment presented to Israel's powerful foreign affairs and defence committee on Monday, said the Jewish state would face increased threats on all fronts, Maariv daily said. Dagan's estimate of Iran's nuclear ambitions differs sharply from an assessment by the US intelligence community late last year that said Iran had mothballed its nuclear weapons programme in 2003. That report compiled by 16 US intelligence agencies said the Islamic republic would not be able to attain a nuclear weapon until 2015. |
maandag 4 februari 2008
Angry White Man
Antiwar conservatives, disaffected centrists, even young liberal activists have all flocked to Paul, hailing him as a throwback to an earlier age, when politicians were less mealy-mouthed and American government was more modest in its ambitions, both at home and abroad. In The New York Times Magazine, conservative writer Christopher Caldwell gushed that Paul is a "formidable stander on constitutional principle," while The Nation wrote of "his full-throated rejection of the imperial project in Iraq." Former TNR editor Andrew Sullivan endorsed Paul for the GOP nomination, and ABC's Jake Tapper described the candidate as "the one true straight-talker in this race." Even The Wall Street Journal, the newspaper of the elite bankers whom Paul detests, recently advised other Republican presidential contenders not to "dismiss the passion he's tapped."
Full story
Gloria La Riva for President
Meet Gloria La Riva
2008 Presidential Candidate of the Party for Socialism and Liberation
Gloria La Riva is the 2008 presidential candidate of the Party for Socialism and Liberation.
Born in Albuquerque, N.M., La Riva attended Brandeis University, where she was active in affirmative action struggles. She led a union-organizing drive in 1979 in Rochester, N.Y., and is today president of the Typographical Sector, Media Workers Union, Local 39521, CWA.
In 1986, La Riva helped organize the nationwide “Free Nelson Mandela & Leonard Peltier” tour. She actively backs the campaign to free Mumia Abu-Jamal. La Riva supported the Black Firefighters Association in their fight to desegregate the San Francisco Fire Department in the 1980s.
She was a leader in the movement against the Gulf War in 1990-91, including the 200,000-strong San Francisco march on Jan. 19, 1991. That year, La Riva initiated the Farmworkers Emergency Relief, aiding Latino farmworkers who lost their jobs in the citrus freeze.
La Riva campaigned against the U.S. blockade that killed more than one million Iraqis. La Riva’s video “Genocide by Sanctions” won second prize for documentaries in the 1998 San Luís Obispo Film Festival. She traveled to Yugoslavia during the 1999 U.S. bombing, producing the video, “NATO Targets.”
In 1994 and 1998, La Riva was the Peace & Freedom Party candidate for governor of California, and an independent candidate for U.S. vice president from 1984 to 2000.
La Riva is a volunteer organizer for the anti-war coalition ANSWER (Act Now to Stop War and End Racism) in the Bay Area. She has been active in the struggle for immigrant rights for three decades, speaking at mass marches in California.
La Riva is coordinator of the National Committee to Free the Cuban Five. She has traveled frequently to Cuba, written extensively on the revolution, and spoke at the million-person May Day rallies in Havana in 2000 and 2002. She has also traveled to Venezuela.
In September 2005, immediately after Hurricane Katrina, La Riva led a delegation to New Orleans, showing the survivors’ heroism in the video “Heroes Not Looters.”
La Riva is a member of the National Committee of the Party for Socialism and Liberation.
WebsiteCynthia McKinney for President
A former six-term Member of Congress from Georgia, Cynthia McKinney proved herself a courageous voice for the voiceless, unafraid to speak truth to power. Cynthia's Power to the People Committee is working to put Cynthia on fifty-one ballot lines!
* Consistently opposed funding for bloated military and secret intelligence budgets;
* Introduced Articles of Impeachment for George Bush, Dick Cheney, and Condoleezza Rice;
* Introduced, championed, and passed in the U.S. House the Arms Trade Code of Conduct, prohibiting the sale of arms to known human rights abusers;
* Authored legislation to end the use of depleted uranium weapons;
* Passed legislation to extend health benefits for Vietnam War veterans still suffering the health effects from exposure to the defoliant Agent Orange;
* Challenged Pentagon Secretary Rumsfeld and Chairman Myers of the Joint Chiefs of Staff on the $2.3 trillion missing Pentagon money and on U.S.-sponsored war games taking place on September 11, 2001;
* Currently serves on (a) International Tribunal on Hurricanes Katrina and Rita, (b) Brussels Tribunal on Iraq, (c) is participating in War Crimes prosecutions in Spain, and (d) is working with the Malaysian Peace Organization to criminalize war;
* Introduced legislation to eliminate federal subsidies for corporations taking jobs overseas.
Cynthia was never afraid to introduce legislation that showed her moral compass and where she felt our country ought to be. In that regard, after the tragedy of September 11th, 2001, Cynthia introduced legislation that would allow the survivors of the tragedy's victims to sue those responsible for the attacks as well as participate in the Victims Compensation Fund. She introduced legislation to establish a national living wage and she also introduced legislation to repeal the Military Tribunals Act. Her signature environmental piece of legislation was the National Forest Protection and Restoration Act which would have provided much-needed jobs and revenues for the restoration and protection of America's national forests. McKinney successfully authorized the USDA disparity study that demonstrated USDA discrimination against minority farmers. McKinney, like so many Americans, has long held Green values. McKinney is now proudly a Green.
Cynthia McKinney website
The "antiwar" Obama
Obama steunt terreur tegen Palestijnen
I understand that today the UN Security Council met regarding the situation in Gaza, and that a resolution or statement could be forthcoming from the Council in short order.
I urge you to ensure that the Security Council issue no statement and pass no resolution on this matter that does not fully condenm the rocket assault Hamas has been conducting on civilians in southern Israel...
All of us are concerned about the impact of closed border crossings on Palestinian families. However, we have to understand why Israel is forced to do this... Israel has the right to respond while seeking to minimize any impact on civilians.
The Security Council should clearly and unequivocally condemn the rocket attacks... If it cannot bring itself to make these common sense points, I urge you to ensure that it does not speak at all.
Barack Obama
United States Senator
Bron: Left I on The News
Three different versions of "suicide attack" in israel contradict each other
Today, some poor Palestinian allegedly "blew himself up" in israel, "killing three israelis" and giving israel one more reason to bomb the shit out of Gaza.
Supposedly, he and his comrade, who was killed by israelis "before he could explode himself" crossed over from Gaza to Dimona - israel's 'Disney world for nukes'.
Only problem is - so far, I've seen three different versions of who's responsible for "the attack" and not one of them sounds credible.Full article here
Lebanon: Fatah Al Islam is the Mossad
In his interview on assafir today, Lebanon Army Commander Michel Suleiman said the following:
Israel is seeking various ways to target the army to get through the Lebanese resistance, the organization (Fatah Al Islam) is an extension of the Israeli Mossad.
Also see:
Neocons achter geweld in Gaza en Libanon
zondag 3 februari 2008
Ministerie: Kabels niet gebroken door schepen
CAIRO - Damage to undersea Internet cables in the Mediterranean that hit business across the Middle East and South Asia was not caused by ships, Egypt’s communications ministry said on Sunday, ruling out earlier reports.
The transport ministry added that footage recorded by onshore video cameras of the location of the cables showed no maritime traffic in the area when the cables were damaged.
‘The ministry’s maritime transport committee reviewed footage covering the period of 12 hours before and 12 hours after the cables were cut and no ships sailed the area,’ a statement said.
vrijdag 1 februari 2008
Politie herovert eilandje op Molukkers
Meer over de Molukken
Bloggers try to counter anti-Israel media bias with bad news on other states
By Cnaan Liphshiz, Haaretz Correspondent
Tags: blog, Israel, media bias
What began six months ago as a brazen attempt to counter a perceived anti-Israel slant in the Dutch media, has evolved into a network monitoring the media in eight countries across the world. The idea is simple: Beat press bias at its own game by advertising only bad news about one place.
Over the past months, seven activists from Israel and elsewhere have been exposing online readers to scandalous yet accurate reports from media in Britain (violent drunk teens), France (high homeless mortality), Norway (serial child molesters), Finland (sexual harassment in parliament), Sweden (soaring suicide rates), The Netherlands (menacing Muslim unrest), Mexico (rampaging flood victims) and Los Angeles (drive-by killings).
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